This article is targeted to people who are new to Internet world but want to know how to start their own site and make some good income from that. Web hosting is a terminology based on which individual users and company can host their site after registering a domain. The best way to choose a domain is, the domain should be meaningful, clear and niche based. For starters you can use Blogspot or Wordpress sub domains to start your own site. Once you create an online reputation you can start your own site with a new domain.
The cost of web site hosting varies from free to some 30 dollars from months. There are some Web hosting sites who charge even 1000 dollars per month for providing web hosting services. My personal advice is never go for free hosting since the up-time of the site is very much unpredictable. Any hosting for $10 per month provides excellent facilities and for a beginner cheap web hosting is idle since it will be well within is affordable limits and the site load will also be not be too high. The additional features would be unlimited storage capacity, limited add on domains and 24/7 online support. Some sites even have money back guarantee if you don’t like their services.